Film Superconduttivi di Nb3Sn per Sputtering con tecnica Multilayer-Bachelor Thesis ANDREA STAIANO

Author: ANDREA STAIANO ; Type of thesis: Bachelor Thesis
Abstract: This work has consisted, instead, in the production of Nb3Sn multilayer samples on niobium and sapphires substrates, and the subsequent interdiffusion by annealing. The multilayer deposition was made with two planar magnetrons with targets, respectively in Niobium and Thin, and a rotary plate, equidistant from the target, that contains the samples. The possibility to control the magnetrons current intensity permits to deposit thin films from the stoichiometry desired. Successively, the samples are annealed at 950°C and characterized.
The study on the samples is essential in order to inquire the productive method to use for the niobium cavities. Up to now, previous works have produced Nb3Sn multilayer samples only on sapphire, not on niobium. Indeed, the deposition on Nb represents a lacking plug within the huge puzzle of the comprehension of the mechanism of the superconductive power of Nb3Sn.
The deposition of Nb3Sn directly on niobium substrate has not been experienced, yet. In this way, it is possible to study the microstructural and superconductive properties of the film to have indications and then extend the deposition technique inside the cavities …. segue

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