Squeezing the mystery out of electropolishing niobium – Charlie Reece – TFSRF-2010

Title: Squeezing the mystery out of electropolishing niobium
Author: Charlie Reece
Institution: Jefferson Lab – Newport News (VA) USA
Abstract: Squeezing the mystery out of electropolishing niobium – Charlie Reece

While application of electropolishing to bulk niobium has been a key element in the recent progress in pushing routinely attained performance nearer to Hc1, actual understanding of the process, which one might anticipate being useful for its control and optimization, has lagged behind. In the last couple of years dedicated analyses have made significant progress in describing and quantifying the electrochemical processes which are happening when one “electropolishes” a niobium surface. This talk will attempt to distill and interpret recent developments in this area. Confident control of surface topography is key to attaining niobium’s best, and it may also be critical in circumstances where niobium serves the role of substrate for thin film coatings aiming at even higher performance.

