Tests of the Gurevich model toward larger field gradients in SRF cavities – Rosa Alejandra Lukaszew – TFSRF-2014

Title: Tests of the Gurevich model toward larger field gradients in SRF cavities
Author: Rosa Alejandra Lukaszew
Institution: College of William and Mary (VA)
Abstract: SRF properties are inherently a surface phenomenon involving a material thickness of a few microns thus opening up the possibility of using thin film coatings to achieve a desired performance. I will describe our experimental attempts to test the superconducting/insulating/superconducting (SIS) multilayer model proposed by A. Gurevich [1] to shield the bulk of the cavity from vortex penetration and hence enable larger accelerating fields than presently possible.

[1] A. Gurevich, “Enhancement of rf breakdown field of superconductors by multilayer coating,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 88, p. 12 511, 2006.

