Progress in the investigation of MgB2 thin films for SRF cavity applications – XiaoXing Xi – TFSRF-2014

Title: Progress in the investigation of MgB2 thin films for SRF cavity applications
Author: XiaoXing Xi
Institution: Department of Physics, Temple University
Abstract: MgB2 thin films grown by hybrid physical-chemical vapor deposition (HPCVD) have been investigated for SRF cavity applications. I will present our recent results of research in three directions: enhancement of Hc1 in thin MgB2 films, large area MgB2 films on Cu, and the effort on coating of RF cavities. By reducing the thickness of the MgB2 film from 300 nm to 100 nm, Hc1(0) increases systematically from 38 mT to about 200 mT in both epitaxial and polycrystalline films. The HPCVD process has been successfully applied on 2” diameter Cu substrate. Both the in-situ and two-step processes have been used for the coating of a 6 GHz cavity. Samples from various locations of the cavity show good superconducting properties. Effort is underway to coat 3 GHz RF cavities.

