Title: Status of the HZB Quadrupole Resonator
Author: Sebastian Keckert
Institution: HZB
Abstract: Authors: Sebastian Keckert, Raphael Kleindienst, Jens Knobloch, Oliver Kugeler
The systematic research on superconducting thin films requires dedicated testing equipment. The Quadrupole Resonator (QPR) is a specialized tool to characterize the superconducting properties of circular samples. A calorimetric measurement of the RF surface losses allows the surface resistance to be measured with sub nano-ohm resolution. This measurement can be performed over a wide temperature and magnetic field range, at frequencies of 433, 866 and 1300 MHz. The system at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB) is based on a resonator built at CERN and has been optimized to lower peak electric fields and an improved resolution. An alternative calorimetry chamber has been designed in order to provide flat samples for coating and to ease changing of samples. In this talk the current status of the project at HZB will be presented.