Author: Lanza Giulia ; Type of thesis: Master Thesis
Abstract: In Legnaro three laboratories are reserved for cavity treatments and analysis:the chemical lab, the sputtering lab and the cryogenic lab.
The chemical lab has the facilities for the surface treatment of single cell cavities as well as TESLA 3-cell structures. It is possible to treat two cavities (one of copper and one of niobium) at the same time. In fact, under the extractor fan, there are two completed circuits, one dedicated to the electropolishing and the chemical polishing of niobium cavities and the other one for copper cavities.
At the superconductivity lab in Legnaro it’s possible to measure a 1,5 GHz mono-cell cavity in four days: High Pressure Water Rinsing, pump down, cooling, measure at 4,2K and measure at 1,8K. During the rf test, the cavity has to be cooled at cryogenic temperatures in order to reach the superconducting state. In the rf testing facility there are four
apertures which can host a cryostat. Three of them are used to test QWRs and single cell TESLA type cavity. This kind of cryostat can hold 100 liters of helium. The last one is for the multi-cells TESLA type cavity with a volume of 400 liters of helium. This cryostat has been designed for operating at 4.2K and 1.8K with a maximum power of 70
W. In order to reduce the cooling cost, a preliminary cooling is achieved by using the liquid nitrogen of the second chamber. Once the temperature reaches 80Kthe transfer of liquid He at 4.2K into the main vessel is started.Then the temperature of liquid helium can be lowered decreasing the chamber pressure. The cavity is tested at 4.2K and then at 1.8K, it is mounted on a vertical stand and it is connected to a pumping line. Remote systems monitor its temperature, its pressure and the transmission of the radiofrequency.
All the procedures for cavity preparation need qualified and expert operators that know every sequence of operations. This report is the starting point to train new peoples and the reference point for the staff working on NbCu cavities.