Author: Li Jin Hai ; Type of thesis: Master Thesis
Abstract: The superconductor accelerator cavity is one of the most important and perspective technology for an advance accelerator. For example, the International Committee for Future Accelerators decided that the Linear Collider design had been based on the superconductor technology. Moreover, the accelerator operating with continue wave (CW) mode must use the superconductor technology in stead of the normal conductor technology, such as the Accelerator-driven sub-critical reactor system (ADS), the Accelerator Transmutation of Waste (ATW), the Accelerator Production of Tritium (APT), and so on.
In order to meet all kinds of application, the scientific world interest is now focus on further developments of new resonant cavities fabrication techniques to reduce cost and improve the performance of the accelerator cavity. To realize this object, one of the important methods is to pursue research on new materials. The goal will be the achievement of superconducting cavity working better the Nb ones at 4.2K. For example, the better parameters of the Tc, the surface resistance, the critical field Hc and the Q value are needed.
Up to now, the most possible candidate is Nb3Sn. The Nb3Sn has not only the better superconductivity parameters, but also the stable property and the easy fabrication. There are two methods to fabricate the superconductor cavity with the Nb3Sn, which are including the diffusion method and the multilayer deposition method. In the thesis, we focus on the multilayer deposition method, and ……