Thermo Mechanical Design of a High Power Neutron Converter-Master Thesis Acosta Gabriela

Author: Acosta Gabriela ; Type of thesis: Master Thesis
Abstract: The subject of present Master Work is the thermomechanical design of a high power neutron converter for the SPIRAL2 Facility, which is being developed in collaboration with the INFN – Italy and GANIL – France.
The main objective is description of an general overview about the project and its main goals. The SPIRAL2 is a linear particle accelerator for the production of high intensity exotic ion beams. It will be under operation in the existing installations of the GANIL Institute in Caen, France. Therefore a neutron converter target has been designed and it must produce 1014 fissions/second, at a working temperature up to 1850°C. Available deuteron beam for the operation of this accelerator has a power up to 200 kW and all the calculations and tests around the main critical elements of the neutron converter module are explained in the next sections of this document.